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OptimaYou Genetic GPS™

Welcome To Your Genetic GPS™

GPS Stands for Genotype, Phenotype, and Somatotype. Understanding your body from a genetic and epigenetic perspective can give you more personalized ways to improve your health.

  • Why a Genetic GPS?

Our program provides tools to guide your way to Optimal Health

  • What is genetics vs epigenetics?

Genetics tells us about our innate selves, what we were born with. Epigenetics tells us about how our innate self interacts with the world around us, our diet, lifestyle and environment.

  • How do I use the Genetic GPS?

The Optima You Genetic GPS allows individuals to take an active role in their own health through Your Genetic GPS educational resources, workshops and access to support communities. Your success is optimized with genetic and epigenetic testing and personalized recommendations regarding nutrition, fitness, skin health, sleep, stress management, exercise and other lifestyle factors.

The Optima You Genetic GPS guides you in your journey into making informed choices, adopting sustainable lifestyles and optimizing your overall well being.

Genetic Screening From Home

DNA Personalized Nutrition Report

Our Nutrition DNA Test will help you discover 43 genetic traits related to your diet, eating behaviors, nutritional needs, and more. The genes in our DNA help control virtually every aspect of our nutrition, from how we feel when we eat, to how we process and metabolize the nutrients and vitamins we consume. Optimal diet type and eating habits for weight loss, Nutritional needs for 15 essential vitamins and minerals. Predispositions for metabolic health and food reactions. And Much More…

DNA Personalized Nutrition Report

Our Fitness DNA Test is engineered to provide unfiltered access to how your body responds to physical exercise. Identify 31 genetic traits that are essential to fitness including strength, recovery, and performance. Results will help you create the ideal fitness routine to maximize weight loss and discover your competitive edge. Optimal exercise for weight loss and muscle development, personalized fitness for cardiovascular health, performance, and recovery recommendations. And much, much more.

DNA Personalized Nutrition Report

Our Skin DNA Test includes 25 genetic traits that will help you develop and maintain a healthier skincare routine. You’ll learn about your genetic tendencies and vulnerabilities, from complexion to nutritional deficiencies. Receive personalized treatment recommendations based on your unique genetic profile.

Epigenetic Personalized Nutrition Report

Our Hair Sample Epigenetic Test will let us unlock your epigenetic potential and achieve optimum wellness and performance.

Hair is an amazing, almost indestructible, bio-marker that carries a lot of personal information at a quantum epigenetic level.

Your hair samples are digitally processed and sent via a secure internet connection to our Technology Center. There, our powerful supercomputer systems map the relevancy of your epigenetic information.

Epigenetic mapping has the potential to release you from genetic limitations and opens up new wellness and performance possibilities.

Modern-day living has many common influences that can have an impact on and affect your underlying wellness. These include foods eaten and nutrients absorbed, along with many common environmental influences at home and work. Collectively, these are known as epigenetics.


We report on 11 key areas, covering more than 800 individual influences, including:

  • A 90-day nutritional plan, including nutrients, water, and lifestyle factors.
  • A list of food restrictions to leave out for 90 days.
  • A list of food additives to avoid and common additive information.
  • A personalized list of foods to increase or add to your daily intake.
  • Self-check sheets to help you keep track of progress.
  • Supporting information on all categories

Looking within at a deeper level of undertanding.


Genotype is the description of our genetic information or DNA sequence carried by an individual. It represents the specific combination of alleles present at various genetic loci within an organism’s genome.

To understand genotype better, let’s break down a few key concepts:

  1. Alleles: Alleles are alternative forms of a gene that occupy the same position (locus) on paired chromosomes. They determine variations in specific traits or characteristics. For example, for the gene that determines eye color, one allele might code for brown eyes, while another allele may code for blue eyes.
  2. Homozygous and Heterozygous: An individual can have two copies of the same allele at a particular locus, which is referred to as homozygous. For instance, if an organism has two copies of the brown eye allele, it would be homozygous for brown eyes. Conversely, an individual can have two different alleles at the same locus, which is called heterozygous. In this case, if an organism has one copy of the brown eye allele and one copy of the blue eye allele, it would be heterozygous for eye color.
  3. Genetic Loci: Loci (singular: locus) are specific positions on chromosomes where genes are located. Different loci are responsible for different traits or characteristics. For example, there are multiple loci associated with eye color, hair color, height, and so on. It’s important to note that while the genotype provides the genetic blueprint, the phenotype represents how those genetic instructions are expressed or manifested. Various factors, including environmental influences and gene interactions, can impact the phenotype.

By studying the genotype, we better understand the inheritance patterns of traits, predict the likelihood of certain traits in offspring, identify genetic disorders, and study the genetic basis of various characteristics and diseases. Techniques like DNA sequencing and genetic testing have significantly contributed to our understanding of genotypes and their implications on our overall health and wellness..


Phenotype refers to the observable traits or characteristics of an individual. It encompasses the physical, physiological, and behavioral features that can be seen or measured. Phenotype is the result of the interaction between an individuals genotype (genetic makeup) and the environment in which it develops and lives.

Here are some key points to understand about phenotype:

Observable Traits: Phenotype includes a wide range of characteristics, such as physical features (e.g., eye color, hair type, height), physiological traits (e.g., blood type, metabolism), and behavioral traits (e.g., temperament, intelligence). These traits can be measured, assessed, or visually observed.
Genotype-Phenotype Relationship: The genotype of an individual serves as the underlying genetic blueprint that influences the development and expression of its phenotype. However, it’s important to note that the relationship between genotype and phenotype is not always straightforward. The phenotype can be influenced by a variety of factors, including gene interactions, environmental influences, and epigenetic modifications.
Gene-Environment Interaction: The phenotype is not solely determined by the genotype. Environmental factors play a crucial role in shaping and modifying the expression of genetic traits. Environmental conditions, such as nutrition, exposure to toxins, social interactions, and lifestyle choices, can impact how genes are expressed and how the phenotype is manifested.
Phenotypic Variation: Phenotypes can vary within a population due to genetic diversity and environmental factors. Even individuals with the same genotype can exhibit variations in their phenotype. For example, identical twins, who have identical genotypes, may still have differences in their physical appearance or behavioral traits due to environmental influences.
Developmental Changes: Phenotypes can change over an organism’s lifespan. Some traits may be present from birth, while others may develop or change over time. Developmental processes, such as growth, maturation, and aging, can influence the phenotype.
Understanding the phenotype is crucial in understanding an individual’s genetics. It helps scientists study the relationship between genes and traits, identify genetic variations or conditions, assess the impact of environmental factors, and develop strategies for personalized health and wellbeing.

It’s worth noting that advances in technology and techniques like genetic testing, imaging, and behavioral analysis have significantly contributed to our understanding of phenotypes and their complex interactions with genotypes and the environment.


Somatotype refers to a human body type based on physical characteristics. It is a method used to describe and classify individuals according to their body shape and composition. Sheldon proposed three primary somatotypes: endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph.

Here’s a breakdown of the three somatotypes:

Endomorph: Endomorphs typically have a higher proportion of body fat and tend to have a rounder and softer appearance. They generally have a wider waist, larger bone structure, and more rounded features. Endomorphs often have a tendency to gain weight easily and may have difficulty losing body fat. They are often described as having a “pear-shaped” body.

Mesomorph: Mesomorphs are characterized by a more muscular and athletic build. They tend to have well-defined muscles, broader shoulders, and a narrower waist. Mesomorphs have an easier time gaining muscle mass and maintaining a moderate body fat level. They are often described as having a “V-shaped” body.

Ectomorph: Ectomorphs typically have a lean and slender body type. They tend to have a smaller bone structure, longer limbs, and lower body fat levels. Ectomorphs often find it challenging to gain weight or muscle mass and may have a faster metabolism. They are often described as having a “linear” or “thin” body.
It’s important to note that most individuals exhibit a combination of these somatotypes rather than fitting strictly into one category. For example, someone might have characteristics of both mesomorph and ectomorph, or endomorph and mesomorph.

The new research in the field of human body types has explored an even more comprehensive approach by using technology to understand body composition and its relationship to health and performance.


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